Weight Loss Routine

Maintaining a healthy weight is a goal for millions of people, especially as the dangers of obesity continue to become understood. But many of us find ourselves on the yo-yo diet cycle — struggling to lose weight, going to extreme measures to drop a couple of pounds, then gaining them (and more) back.

When you approach your weight loss measures as a sustainable lifestyle change, it’s much easier to tackle, and it becomes more likely that you’ll keep the weight off.

So how can you actively lose weight while barely adjusting your normal habits into something that you can continue for the rest of your life? Follow these tips, and you’ll have a sustainable weight-loss routine that keeps the enjoyment in your day!

1. Empower Yourself With Knowledge

There’s a saying that knowledge is king. When it comes to making any change, understanding the “why” behind the things you’re trying to adjust helps you keep the momentum going when you want to give up.

When was the last time you took a health and nutrition class? For most of us, it was probably high school, and the explanation of physiology, biology, and nutrition we got was woefully incomplete.

By taking a little time each week to learn more about how nutrients such as vitamins and minerals fuel your body — and how a lack of them harms it — you can become more aware of the choices you make in your diet. From the foods and drinks you ingest to the medication you take, including strains of marijuana, it all fuels or clogs your body and mind.

It’s not about starving yourself skinny. It’s about giving yourself the nutrients that make your body run efficiently, burn more calories, and store less fat.

2. Change Small Habits First

We often think that deciding to lose weight means jumping headfirst into a strict routine where we punish ourselves by eliminating our favorite foods and enduring grueling workouts.

How long does that pattern sound sustainable? If that’s what you’ve been doing, it’s not surprising that you’ve been on a yo-yo weight loss cycle.

Start with changing small, manageable habits first. Here are a few examples of how you can start preparing your body for a new, healthier lifestyle change.

How to Make Small Changes Work Bigtime

Adjust your bedtime routine so that you are getting the right amount of sleep (not too much, not too little). Sleep does affect your ability to lose weight.

Cut out sugary drinks like sweet tea, sweetened coffee, and soda. If this is your “bad habit,” slowly start swapping out one meal a day with water, whether you “like” the taste or not. You do get used to it, and eventually, your body will even begin to crave more H2O. In the meantime, try to switch the sugary beverages you enjoy to a less-sugared version or use healthier sweeteners like honey or agave syrup.

Start taking a walk around your neighborhood two or three nights a week. Depending on your health, slowly increase the distance and add more walks to your schedule. Bring your pace up to jogging, then running when you want to challenge yourself.

Figure out which nutrients you lack in your daily diet, such as vegetables, fiber, protein, etc. Purposefully add those dishes to at least one meal a day and eat them first. You’re not punishing yourself by taking away your favorite yummy foods, but you are getting the nutrients you need to handle the less nutritious items.

These are all great ways to make small but sustainable changes on your way to your ideal weight.

3. Create Actionable Goals

Here’s the thing many people don’t understand about weight loss. It’s not always about the number on the scale. In fact, many fitness experts will tell you to throw the scale out! (Yes, we know, that can sound terrifying!)

So, instead of setting goals based on your weight, which can fluctuate based on hundreds of factors each day, create other targets that will help you monitor your progress.

What does an actionable goal look like? Check out these examples that show you how well you’re progressing, even if the number on the scale isn’t reflecting your hard work:

  • You can fit in the next-size-down shorts within two months.
  • You measure your waist/chest/arms/thighs bi-weekly using yarn, and each time you check, the yarn is slightly smaller.
  • You push yourself to extend your workout a little longer each week, and within one month, you feel good at the end of the session.
  • You’re measuring your water intake, and each week, you drink more total than the previous week until you reach your fluid goal.

These little goals show progress, not perfection. Be cautious about daily goals because we are all human, and it’s easy to mess up one day and throw in the towel completely. By setting weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly goals, you can watch your progress go up without the occasional bump in the road that’s sure to happen.


Finding your way to the weight you think you should be at doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing type of journey. Instead, develop a sustainable routine that includes these tips, and you’ll get to your goal and find it’s easier to stay there, too.

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